Coplanar Waveguide Calculator

Impedance control is crucial for ensuring the proper transmission of high-speed signals on printed circuit boards (PCBs). When designing PCBs, engineers must carefully consider the impedance of the traces to prevent signal reflections and distortions.

Signal reflections occur when the impedance of a trace is not matched to the impedance of the source or load device. These reflections can cause signal timing errors, noise, and crosstalk. Crosstalk is the unwanted coupling of electrical signals between adjacent traces on a PCB.

Our free impedance calculator for coplanar waveguide can help you with your design features to ensure your PCB is working as you intend. Instructions are below the calculator and don’t forget we can make and test your controlled impedance printed circuit boards too.

Don’t forget to check out our other calculators on our site and also our material search tool. If your struggling to find the correct results, perhaps switching to a different substrate might help? Click the red (left) button below to search through a database of over 300 different substrates to find the one with the correct DK value.

More information on controlled impedance can be found here. You might also find our YouTube Channel handy too, with tips to make your PCB more manufacture friendly.

Coplaner Waveguide Calculator


w[mm] >>> Zo[ohm]
Zo [ohm] >>> w [mm]

er effk lambda/4[mm]

[ How to use ]
1. Input the parameter of the circuit board and center frequency.
(1) When the character impedance (Zo) of the conductor space (w) is computed.
Input w, and click on [ Analyze ] button.
(2) When the conductor space (w) of the characteristic impedance (Zo) is calculated.
Input Zo, and click on [ Synthesis ] button.
3. A calculation result is indicated.

This tool should only be used as a guide. Always check your calculations with an official system.