PCB careers
Seeking a new PCB careers role? PW Circuits is a privately owned company rich in PCB manufacture history. We UK manufacture a diverse product range from flex-rigid, flex, high layer count multilayer, micro via technology to a simple PTH. In those years we’ve build up a reliable customer base ordering repeat and new design PCBs. We welcome new enquiries and customers on a daily basis, who also turn into repeat orders!
PCB careers open positions
CNC Operator
General printed circuit board manufacture and other operations plus PCB assembly (PCBA).
Although we are currently not actively seeking any other labour, we are always happy to keep on record any persons that have PCB manufacture or assembly experience for any future expansion. Please send your details, including your experience history, to one of the contact links below.
You can apply for the above jobs by sending a CV/written application to
Samantha Quinn
PW Circuits Ltd
Premier Works
Canal Street
South Wigston
LE18 4PN
Or email accounts@pwcircuits.co.uk
Alternatively, you can contact us via our contact us page.