More PCB information
Below are third party links for more PCB information. From websites detailing printed circuit board approval information (our own approvals can be found here), to supplier sites where you can browse for substrate details and availability. If you seek further details in any aspect of Printed Circuit Board manufacture or assembly (PCBA) then please don’t hesitate to get in contact with us.
PCB Approvals

IPC—Association Connecting Electronics Industries
A global trade association dedicated to the competitive excellence and financial success of its more than 2,900 member companies.

International Electrotechnical Commission
The IEC is the world’s leading organization that prepares and publishes International Standards for all electrical, electronic and related technologies

The British Standards Institution
We provide organizations from all sectors with best practice solutions and standards that represent and support the needs of business and society in the UK and worldwide.
Substrate Suppliers

Isola Group
Isola Group leads the market in the design and production of innovative base materials used as the foundation for printed circuit boards.

CCI Eurolam Ltd
CCI Eurolam Group serves the whole of the European printed circuit industry from its facilities in France, Germany, the UK and Italy.

Holders Technology Group
The Holders Technology Group is an international supplier of materials, equipment and services to the Printed Circuit Board Industry.

Rogers Corporation
Rogers Corporation is a manufacturer of high-performance specialty material products, serving a diverse range of markets.

Shanghai Nanya Copper Clad Laminate Co.,Ltd.
Shanghai Nanya Copper Clad Laminate Co.,Ltd. is a first Shanghai/Hongkong Joint Venture Enterprise that specialize in the manufacture of Copper Clad Laminates.

Taconic, consisting of two business divisions, specialize in coating of glass fabrics with PTFE. Advanced Dielectric Division (ADD) & Industrial Products Division (IPD).

Ventec International Group
Ventec designs, develops, manufactures and sells high quality copper clad laminates and prepreg bonding materials for the fabrication of a wide variety of printed circuit board (PCB) applications.

Laird Technologies
Laird Technologies designs and manufactures customized, performance-critical products for wireless and other advanced electronics applications.
delivery tracking
PCB software

Polar Instruments
Polar signal integrity design and test tools are deployed across the whole spectrum of industry and are licensed to companies as diverse as biomedical electronics design,communications, computing, high end video & audio, defense, aerospace, through pcb fabricators, automotive and life sciences.

GC-Prevue is the industry standard software for viewing and printing electronic manufacturing data. GC-Prevue reads all of the common CAD generated electronic manufacturing outputs.